Monday, April 16, 2007

Chapter One

1. Describe each of the characters in this chapter and their relationship with one another.

Ponyboy Curtis is the narrator of this story and he is a "Greaser", Ponyboy also has light-brown, almost redish hair and greenish-grey eyes, he is fourteen years old. He has two brothers, one of Ponyboy's brothers names are Sodapop, who is the middle child and is sixteen-going-on-seventeen. The other brother’s name is Darrel, who is the eldest child and who they like to call Darry. Sodapop is the brother who cares about Ponyboy a lot and understands everything he feels, where Darry/Darrel is the complete opposite. Darry is always serious and doesn't understand how people feel at times, because he works too long and hard to be interested in certain things, Darry like to hollar and threaten Ponyboy. Darry is six-feet-two, and broad shouldered. He has dark-brown hair that kicks out in front and a slight cowlick in the back. His eyes are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice. A boy named Paul Newman is one of the popular "Socs", who were the rich people unlike the greasers who were poorer than the Socs and the middle class.
Johnny Cade, who was one of Ponyboy’s friends, was once beaten up by the Socs when he was walking alone one night. Johnny was the sad, small, frightened pet of the gang. Steve Randle is Soda’s best friend, but Ponyboy doesn’t like him because Steve thinks that Pony is a baby. Two-Bit Matthews is one of the gang members and never stops joking around. Dallas Winston is tougher and meaner than the rest of them. He is angry at the world and enjoys being a criminal. His nickname is Dally. Dally spent time in rough neighbourhoods in New York, but now he fights the Socs.

2. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?

The Socs are also known as the socials, because they are a gang of rich, violent boys. The greasers are the poor, tough gang of boys who fight with the Socs, and are poorer than the middle class. The greasers are known as the greasers for their greasy, long hair.

3. How does Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.

Ponyboy’s relationship with Darry differs because Ponyboy and Darry always get into fights and Darry always threatens him, which can affect his confidence level. For example if when they fight, Darry can prove Ponyboy wrong which could make Ponyboy feel like he is always wrong about things. And when Darry threatens Ponyboy he can feel scared sometimes, which could make Ponyboy think that he can’t stand up for him self, and if he is scared of his own brother at times then he must because of the Socs around him.
Ponyboy’s relationship with Sodapop differs because Sodapop is always there for Ponyboy and understands him, but when he is alone and if Sodapop leaves him, he can feel that he can’t take care of himself or that no one understands him the way that Soda does. Sodapop encourages Pony and thinks that he is a smart kid.

4. Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny?

The ‘gang’ is important to Johnny because when Johnny is with the gang he probably feels well protected and safe. Where if he is walking alone at night where there are Socs, he could get beat up pretty easily just like he did in the past and how Pony did in the beginning of the book. The gang could also be important to Johnny because that’s where all of his friends are and he feels that he has some stuff in common with them.

5. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?

When Sodapop tells Ponyboy about Darry, Ponyboy reacted surprised and as if Soda was lying to him because it never seems like Darry ever loves him or anyone.
Pony just feels like Darry is a person who is too serious to ever love somebody.

6. Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does?

Yes, I do think that Darry loves Ponyboy. I think that Darry treats Ponyboy the way he does is just because Darry is too over protective. Darry just wants to keep Ponyboy out of trouble and makes sure that he does get into a bad fight with the Socs because some fight with the Socs could lead to death if they get taken too far and Darry would not want Ponyboy to get killed in some fight with the Socs.

7. What does Ponyboy mean on page 8 when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?

When Ponyboy says "I lie to myself all the time", he means that sometimes he says stuff to his self that he knows that aren't true.
Example: Ponyboy said "I don't care about Darry" even though he said it he knows that he really does care about him, he just said it at the moment but he knew that he was lying to himelf.


Emmanuel said...

Great work Rachel.

-Kelsi [PROVOST] said...
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2035 said...

hi i am from the future 2021