Friday, April 20, 2007

Chapter Four

Vocabulary: Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 3 words correctly.

Ruefully p. 60,
Hermit p. 65,
Premonition p. 67

Ruefully- feeling, showing, or causing regret

Hermit- somebody who chooses to live alone and to have little or no contact with other people

Premonition- a strong feeling, without a rational basis, that a particular thing is going to happen

Following paragraph is not true about what happens in the movie…

On the weekend my friends and I went to go see the movie Premonition. The film was about a woman who would wake up and her husband would be dead and the next morning would wake up and her husband would be alive. She tried to figure out how to save him before he’d die once again. “I’ve made a big mistake” she said ruefully when she was not able to save him. She regretted not being able to save her husband so much that she wanted to be left alone and become a hermit.

1. What does Pony mean when he says the Socs were "reeling pickled" on page 54?

When Ponyboy says that the Socs were “reeling pickled” he meant that he thought that they just looked drunk by the way that they were swaying and acting.

2. What major event happens in this chapter?

The major event that happens in this chapter is when Johnny kills one of the Socs named Bob. The reason why Johnny killed him is because they were just about to kill Ponyboy, who was his best friend and he couldn’t risk losing him. If Johnny did not kill Bob then Ponyboy probably would have been dead and Johnny would have been beaten up worse than the last time. After Johnny stabbed Bob all of the other Socs ran away because they were scared.

3. How did the author foreshadow that Johnny would use his knife in Chapter 2?

The way that the author foreshadowed that Johnny would use his knife in Chapter 2 is that when the author was explaining how beat up Johnny was, he was very sad yet angry at the same time. Johnny knew that if the Socs were going to beat up any of his friends badly like how they did to him-self, then he would surely get them back for doing it one way of another.

4. What would your advice be to Johnny and Ponyboy if they'd come to you for help instead of Dally? Explain.

My advice to Johnny and Ponyboy, if they’d come to me for help instead of Dally would be to go to Darry and Sodapop for help (mostly Sodapop). I would give them this advice because Sodapop could possibly understand what situation that they are in and try to help them in ways that Ponyboy and Johnny wouldn’t get into more trouble then they already are.

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